Get Prayer

Ask and you will receive (Matt 7:7). 

Jesus wants us never to be anxious or fearful about anything. Instead, He asks that we thank Him for what He has already done, and tell Him what we now want (Phil 4:6).


Send a Prayer Request


Please be sure to let us know when He has answered these prayers.

We also encourage you to join JELA prayer line for regular prayers!

Know Jesus

Have you tried reading the Bible (or parts of it)?

If you have read the Bible (or parts of it), did you understand what you read?

The Bible is a long book, and a devotional can help by guiding your reading Open Heavens. You can also use this simpler devotional, or request a hard copy.

Studying Bible with other people can be fun and engaging. Join JELA bible study on Tuesdays at 7pm.


Discover Your Purpose


Understand that God had a unique purpose in mind, when He created you.
Rev 4:11


Know that He created you with your own individual character. He placed unique gifts and talents in you. He has been with you through many life experiences. It is God who placed you in your present geographic location, and life situation.
Ps 139:2-5


Accept that God created you in Christ Jesus for a happy life and for good deeds which He has already prepared for you to do.
Eph 2:10

Good deeds that you’re uniquely able to do because you have special character, gifts, talents, life experiences, location and situation.


Become intentional about your walk with God. As you live each day in relationship with Jesus, you will meet opportunities for doing the good deeds He has prepared for you. Over time, you will see a pattern revealing God’s good plan and purpose for you.


Find an ally. Living in relationship with Jesus and doing good deeds is simpler and much more fun when you spend time with others who are doing the same, and encouraging each other along the way. If you’d like help finding an ally please fill out the form below.

Become a Christian

Becoming a Christian, giving your life to Christ is as easy as ABCD…

  • Admit that you have sinned (done things that displease God) (Rom 3:23), and sin has separated you from God.

  • Believe that God sent His son Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for your sins by dying on the cross (John 3:16). 

  • Confess your sins, and ask God for forgiveness (1 John 1:9)

  • Do ask Jesus to come into your heart. He will help you turn away from your sins and wrong-doing (Rom 10:9-10). 

Pray this simple prayer to God:


Father God, I come to you today in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. I thank You for His death on the cross. Today, I accept the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood for me, and ask that His blood wash me clean from all my sins. Right now I ask Jesus to come into my life as my Lord and Savior, and I thank You Father, because I know that I have a New Life in Christ Jesus. I am now born again. Amen.


We’d love to celebrate your decision!! Please share the good news with us by filling out THIS FORM. We’ll send you some special materials to help you in your new life in Christ. You can also join our weekly services.

Grow In Christ


Click below to WATCH


Here’s a mnemonic to remind you how to best position yourself to grow in Christ.



  1. GO to God in prayer daily. Like a child, you need to speak to your Loving Father daily. If you wish to be like your Father in heaven, you must talk to Him constantly. Prayer is talking to God. When Jesus, our Example was on earth, He prayed. He left us a blueprint for prayer popularly called the Lord's prayer, (Matthew 6: 9-13).

  2. READ your Bible daily. Develop a habit of hearing His voice daily, by reading your Bible every day. To do this, you need: A bible, a pen, a journal, and a good devotional book such as Open Heaven and Our Daily Bread. A good devotional book will lead you to a portion of scripture daily and explain it clearly.

  3. OBEY the Holy Spirit. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as a guide to help you live a Christ-centered life. Ask the Holy Spirit to come into your life Luke 11:13), and as you acknowledge His presence He will give you His guidance.

  4. WITNESS to others what God has done for you. What do you do when something wonderful happens to you? If a friend gives you something really valuable what do you do? Tell all your friends (and anyone else who will listen) of course! It’s much the same with receiving Jesus Christ into your life. To give others a chance to have the same wonderful experience you must tell them what happened to you (Matt 28:19-20)!

    Please fill out this form so we can send you materials to help witness to others. Remember, your life is also a witness. As the Holy Spirit helps you to live a new life in Christ, your friends and family will notice the difference and be drawn to Christ in you.

  5. THANK God in every situation. God has given you and me a mandate, to thank Him in all things (Ephesians 5:20). To share a testimony. Thanking God is easy when things go well. When things don’t seem to be going so well, it can be very difficult. And yet we need to obey, knowing that God will work everything out for good (Rom 8:28).

  6. HELP OTHERS. God uniquely equipped you with resources you can share with others. You can give your time, encouragement, prayers, money, even just a listening ear. To find ways to help in your community by subscribing to our newsletter.

Register for New Believer classes at Jesus Embassy

Get Baptized

Your decision to be baptized is a decision to show an outward sign of the inner change that took place in you when you were born again. In baptism, we’re buried with Christ into death when we’re immersed in water. As we come up from the water, we’re raised from the dead into a new life in Christ Jesus (Rom 6:4)

Register for new believers and baptismal classes. To be baptized you need to complete six new believer’s classes and two baptismal classes. Water baptism by immersion in water takes place in Jesus Embassy twice a year. Take the step of faith today!!

Receive More Info on How To Get Baptized…

Know God’s Voice


Click below to WATCH


When you’re born again, your spirit is made new. It’s alive in Christ Jesus. Even though there is no outward change, your spirit has become a new baby. God’s baby, responding to God’s voice. Your body however, does not change. Unless God intervenes supernaturally (and He sometimes does) your body still has all its old habits and peculiarities, and finds it easier to respond to other voices – like the voice of the world or the voice of the devil, than to the Voice of God.



How Do I Know When God Speaking To Me?

  1. Through the Bible 

  2. In Your Heart 

  3. Through Counsellors, Godly friends

  4. Through Dreams

  5. Through Circumstances – (e.g., choice of two jobs)

  6. In Audible Voice

  7. Through Visions