31 Days to Spiritual, Physical & Mental Freedom
I found these confessions and I feel it is apt for us to take them together as a family. These declarations should be taken daily for 31 days to yield spiritual, physical and mental breakthrough.
Originally created by the Duncan-Williams Ministries in 2007
Pray all points with the understanding that we are coming (to the warfare) through the Blood of Jesus and taking authority in the Name of Jesus! We have the victory over any power, any power at all, through the Blood and the name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
1. In the Name of Jesus, we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. We forgive those who have sinned against us from the past through to this moment.
2. We plead the Blood of Jesus over any sins committed by our parents and ancestors. We cancel through the Blood, any satanic covenants, agreements, exchanges, vows or transactions made over our lives, bodies, souls and circumstances.
3. We declare that we are redeemed FROM the hand of the Devil by the Blood of Jesus. We declare that all satanic thrones, altars, dominions, principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual hosts of wickedness and all satanic works have no power or authority over us. We declare that satanic harassment and intimidation have no effect on us.
4. We command that every planting of the enemy shall be pulled out of our lives and the lives of our loved ones. We arrest all satanic projections, fiery darts, arrows, witchcraft activities and soullish prayers.
5. We declare that the enemy is permanently denied access into our lives and destinies. We take and maintain our position seated in Jesus in heavenly places and the Devil is under our feet. We walk in dominion, power, and God's prophetic purpose - NOW!
6. We declare that what was written of us in the volume of the books, our prophetic destinies and purposes will be fulfilled now without delay or interference. We declare that divine timing, strategic relationships, open doors and favor in high places shall manifest continually in our lives.
7. We command divine solutions for every problem in our lives to manifest. We command every satanic mystery, cycle and mechanism to be permanently exposed, decoded and destroyed through the Blood of Jesus.
8. We declare that every legality, technicality, ordinance and judgment issued against us in the realms of the spirit be overturned. We command an injunction and restraining order be issued AND ENFORCED against all acts of injustice and harassment. ( Colossians 2:14 )
9. We declare that God will rule in our favor and the divine order for our restoration and restitution shall be signed with the Blood of the Lamb and enforced by the angels of God on every level. Our victory shall be published throughout heaven, on Earth and underneath the Earth. All shame and reproach shall be washed away and we will receive double honor.
10. We declare that we have overcome the enemy by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony - Jesus saved us from the laws of sin and death. We activate the Blood of Jesus to speak innocence for us, silence every accusation whether it is true or false, locate, arrest and bind every power operating behind the scenes. (Revelation 12:11)
11. In the Name of Jesus, we command every strong man operating in our lives to be stripped of their authority and assignments concerning us and our family. We declare that they are bound and all of their weapons are destroyed. We command that the ground troops of Satan, persons without bodies and human vessels be captured, stripped of their power, desensitized and permanently disorganized.
12. We overthrow the wisdom tables of the wicked and scatter them wherever and whenever they gather. We release weapons of mass destruction upon their headquarters and destroy all their weapons and means of retaliation. We advance, take AND RULE their territory by the power of the Holy Ghost and in the name of our LORD Jesus.
13. We command the destruction and removal of every form of witchcraft, sorcery and divination in our lives. We command the arrest and removal of every Jezebel spirit and the spirits of rebellion, immorality and subversion that may be operating in our lives.
14. We command the transfer of wealth and power from the treasures of darkness into our bank accounts and control of the true prophets and people of God to advance the purposes of God; spread the Gospel; win souls for Jesus and establish His Kingdom on Earth. ( Isaiah 45:3 )
15. We command that every false prophet and those who subvert the purposes of God be uncovered and thrown down. We invoke the written judgments of God against Jezebel and her accomplices. ( Isaiah 47 )
16. We decree an end to every operation of betrayal, financial hardship, emotional manipulation and interference in our careers and business opportunities.
17. We deny the enemy access to our finances, property and opportunities for advancement through people on assignment, satanic operations, devices and points of contact.
18. We release the blessings of the LORD to locate and overtake us in every circumstance, business transaction, relationship and everyday activity. We declare that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall never depart from the House of our LORD.
19. We declare that any diverting spirit, personality, human vessel, satanic device or curse shall hereby cease operation in our finances, be permanently denied access, be blinded and deafened to any of our movements and rendered mute. ALL missed opportunities, diverted wealth, lost investments, stolen money or goods shall be immediately returned SEVEN FOLD.
20. We decree that all monitoring spirits, devices, human vessels and points of contact be denied access to our lives, loved ones, finances and records. We declare that every monitoring spirit and vessel be blinded, desensitized and permanently displaced from every aspect of our lives.
21. We command that every satanic or soullish mark placed on us in the spirit, be washed away by the Blood of Jesus and that all our garments be changed to new spotless, radiant garments fitted for our prophetic purposes.
22. We command divine order to be established in every dimension of our lives. We call for the spirit of good stewardship and excellence to be activated in our lives.
23. We declare that all individual and corporate worship shall be offered to God in spirit and in truth. All individuals responsible for leading and assisting in praise and worship shall be empowered by the Holy Ghost in divine expression.
24. We declare that divine protection surrounds us and our loved ones as we travel over land, sea and by air. We are secured in the Blood of Jesus and nothing and no one can move us or provoke us to move ourselves. ( Psalm 121:3 )
25. We declare that we shall excel in their studies, sports and endeavors. We will be favored and advanced in every situation. We will not have dangerous accidents and we will grow up to accomplish out prophetic destiny with honor and distinction.
26. We declare that we will NOT die before our time. We will walk in health and strength all the days of our lives. We will joyfully accomplish everything God has assigned us to do with honor and distinction. We will enjoy blessings and the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. We will serve the LORD all the days of our lives without offense. ( Psalm 118:17 and Psalm 91:16).
27. We declare that the Blood of Jesus has wiped away all our sin guilt and the records of all our sins. We deploy the Blood of Jesus to locate and destroy every record of our sins and wrong doing in hidden places, in the record books of Satan, in all satanic archives and in the memories of all demonic spirits and accomplices. In it's place, a record of the innocent Blood of Jesus shall speak for us throughout eternity.
28. We deny all storms the power to distract us, cause us to fear or speak fear in our lives. We decree that the peace of Jesus Christ is activated in every dimension of our lives and the lives of our loved ones.
29. In the Name of Jesus, we revoke and negate every death wish, verdict and sentence of death in our lives, and the lives of our loved ones.
30. In the Name of Jesus, we overthrow satanic sanctions and embargoes against us, our businesses, and our loved ones. We exercise restraining orders over every strong man assigned to steal, kill and destroy us and our loved ones.
31. We intercept all satanic letters in circulation against us or against our destinies. We command that they be discontinued and brought to a permanent halt.