Lord, I want to sit at your feet, but who is going to cook dinner?
You are so many things to so many people – mother, sister, daughter, aunt, wife, cook, nanny, driver, homework director, laundry-woman, finder of lost stuff, picker-upper, student, employee, boss, and church member! You are on the go from 5.30 in the morning until 11.30 at night on ordinary days, and on your feet around the clock on high days. You feel as if you dare not relax even for a moment, you feel that everything will fall apart if you take a moment to do anything else than all these things you need to get done.
You used to spend at least thirty minutes a day in “quiet time,” worshipping and praying at Jesus’ feet every morning, but you cannot even remember when last you had five minutes to yourself and if you did, sitting quietly is the last thing that came to your mind. You know the things that are taking up all your time are the results of your answered prayers. You say, Lord, “I want to sit at your feet, but who is going to cook dinner?”
You cannot go on this way. God’s Word says “in Him (Jesus) all things hold together” (Col 1:17 RSV). He is the center. Without Him, things will fall apart one day. You cannot continue to run from pillar to post without stopping to reset the Compass of your life. You cannot keep tossing up and down on the waves of the sea of life without an Anchor. Your ship will run aground! You cannot go on without taking time to be still in His presence.
You need to answer this question “Are you willing to slow down enough to spend time in God’s presence daily?” Phil Driscoll’s “Falling in love with you” is an all-time favorite song of mine. The trumpeter croons in his raspy voice “I just set aside the troubles of this world, and fall in love with you again”. That is an ideal we must set our hearts to pursue. Jesus said “Only one thing is needful and Mary has chosen the better part” (Lk 10:42 KJV). One thing only. Only one thing. Are you willing to accept that Jesus is right (as always), and only one thing is needful. Every other thing is optional in the face of eternity. One thing is needful – spending time with the Master.
If you decide you are willing, the next step is to schedule the time. Evidently, anything you don’t schedule does not get done. When you allocate time though, it does get done. So, schedule the time. Fifteen minutes before everyone is awake and the morning rush begins (if you are a “morning person”, one who is most alert in the morning). Fifteen minutes at night when everyone is asleep and all the rush is over (if you are a “night person”). Start with just fifteen minutes a day and see how it goes from there.
You need to have a space for the purpose of meeting with Jesus. A favorite chair, a corner on a rug, a room, any space except your bed (where you will surely fall asleep again), will do. Place your Bible, your devotional, a journal and a pen nearby. (Few things are more disheartening than searching for a bible or a pen when it is time to spend time with Jesus). There are so many different kinds of devotionals that you are sure to find one that is just right for you. “Open Heavens”, the RCCG devotional is an excellent one.
The devotional will point you to the scripture for the day. Open that scripture and read it very carefully, twice. Know that God is speaking to you as you read. Not only does He know your past, your present and your future, all your times in His able hands. Many times, He will speak to you about a present challenge, sometimes He will tell you about something that is to come. Sometimes He will advise you how best to do something, sometimes He will tell you secrets. Every time, you will know that He loves you and is working out the best for you. After reading your Bible and hearing God speak to you from His Word, go back to the devotional and see what God said to the devotional writer about that scripture. Sometimes, it will be the same thing God said to you, many times it will not!
After Bible reading, it is time to pray. Time to adore God, confess your sins, thank Him for what He has done and then talk to Him heart-to-heart. Let Him know too, what you plan to do in the day – He sometimes has special instructions or advice for you. Use your journal well. Write down your prayer requests. It is very exciting to come back and see that God has answered the prayers you listed, and you can refer to those answered prayers when next it feels as if He is taking too long to answer your new requests. When you finish, thank Him. He is the God of heaven and earth, but He loves you enough to stop and spend time with you.
David said “One thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after, to behold His beauty and inquire in His temple.” (Ps 27:4 KJV) Time spent with God is time invested wisely. You will see the returns in every area of your life.